Policies & Procedures
- Nondiscrimination AC
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure AC-AR
- Americans with Disabilities Act ACA
- ADA Grievance Procedure ACA-AR
- Every Student Belongs ACB
- Bias Incident Complaint Procedure ACB-AR
- Board Powers and Duties BBA
- Individual Board Member’s Authority and Responsibilities BBAA
- Board Member Standards of Conduct BBF
- Board Member Ethics and Conflicts of Interest BBFA
- Board Member Ethics and Nepotism BBFB
- Reporting of Suspected Abuse of a Child BBFC
- Board Meetings BD/BDA
- Executive Sessions BDC
- Board Meeting Procedures BDD
- Board Meeting Agenda BDDC
- Minutes of Board Meetings BDDG
- Public Comment at Board Meetings BDDH
- Adoption and Revision of Policies BFC
- Administrative Regulations (AR) BFCA
- Board-Staff Communications BG
- Board Member Compensation and Expense Reimbursement BHD
- Board Member Liability Insurance BHE
- Executive Director CB
- Recruitment and Appointment of the Executive Director CBB
- Executive Director’s Contract CBC
- Evaluation of the Executive Director CBG
- Evaluation of Administrators CCG
- Handbooks CHCA
- Budget DB
- Grant Funding Proposals and Applications DD
- Revenues from Private, State and Federal Sources DE
- Investment of Funds DFA
- Authorized Signatures DGA
- Loss Coverage DH
- Fiscal Accounting and Reporting DI
- Financial Reports and Statements DIC
- Property Inventories DID
- Audits DIE
- Purchasing DJ
- Expenditure of Funds for Meals, Refreshments and Gifts DJ-AR
- Petty Cash Accounts DJB
- Bidding Requirements DJC
- Exemptions from Competitive Bidding and Special Procurements DJC-AR
- Expense Reimbursements DLC
- Staff Expense Reimbursement DLC-AR
- Disposal of Public Charter School Property DN
- Safety Program EB
- Safety Committee EBAC, EBAC-AR
- Integrated Pest Management EBB
- Student Health Services** EBBA
- Injury or Illness Reports EBBB
- Emergency Plan and First Aid** EBC
- Safety Threats** EBCA
- Emergency Drills and Instruction EBCB
- Emergency Closures** EBCD
- Vandalism, Malicious Mischief or Theft** ECAB
- Authorized Use of School Equipment and Materials EDC/KGF
- Student Transportation Services EEA
- Use of Activity Vehicles for Student Transportation EEACD
- Student Transportation in Private Vehicle EEAE
- Use of Private Vehicles for School Business EEBB
- School Nutrition and Food Services EFAA
- Reimbursable School Meals and Milk Programs EFAA-AR
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act EHA
- Job Descriptions GAB
- Equal Employment Opportunity GBA
- Veterans’ Preference GBA-AR
- Staff Ethics GBC, GBC-AR
- Staff Dress GBCA, GBCA-AR
- Expression of Milk or Breast-feeding in the Workplace GBDA
- Workplace Harassment GBEA
- Workplace Harassment Reporting and Procedure GBEA-AR
- Communicable Diseases in Schools GBEB, GBEB-AR
- Drug-Free Workplace GBEC
- Staff/Student/Parent Relations** GBH/JECAC
- Weapons in Schools – Staff GBJ
- Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems** GBK/KGC
- Personnel Records GBL
- Staff Complaints GBM
- Whistleblower GBMA
- Sexual Harassment GBN/JBA
- Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure GBN/JBA-AR(1)
- Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure GBN/JBA-AR(2)
- Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, or Cyberbullying – Staff GBNA
- Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, or Cyberbullying Reporting Procedures – Staff GBNA-AR
- Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements GBNAA/JHFF
- Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms GBNAA/JHFF-AR
- Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements** GBNAB/JHFE
- Reporting Suspected Abuse of a Child GBNAB/JHFE-AR(1)
- Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on School Premises GBNAB/JHFE-AR(2)
- License Requirements GCA
- Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media – Staff** GCAB
- Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault, or Stalking Leave GCBDC/GDBDC
- Request for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking Leave GCBDC/GDBDC-AR
- Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance GCBDF/GDBDF
- Paid Family Medical Leave Insurance (PFMLI) GCBDF/GDBDF-AR
- Criminal Records Checks and Fingerprinting GCDA/GDDA
- Staff Development – Licensed GCL, GCL-AR
- Evaluation of Staff GCN/GDN
- Retirement of Staff GCPC/GDPC
- Discipline and Dismissal of Staff GCPD Discipline and Dismissal of Staff GCPD-AR
- Religious and Cultural Holidays** ICB
- Religion and Schools IGAC
- Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Prevention, Health Education** IGAEB
- Human Sexuality, AIDS/HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Health Education** IGAI
- Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities** IGBAB/JO & IGBAB/JO-AR
- Student Fund-Raising Activities IGDF
- Fund-Raising Activity Request and Verification IGDF-AR
- Interscholastic Activities** IGDJ
- Electronic Communications System IIBGA & IIBGA-AR
- Field Trips and Special Events** IICA
- Assessment Program** IL
- Flag Displays and Salutes INDB
- Animals in School Facilities ING & ING-AR
Section J – STUDENTS
- Equal Educational Opportunity** JB
- Sexual Harassment JBA/GBN
- Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure JBA/GBN-AR(1)
- Federal Law (Title IX) Sexual Harassment Complaint Procedure JBA/GBN-AR(2)
- Section 504 – Students** JBAA
- Educational Equity JBB
- Attendance** JE
- Compulsory Attendance** JEA
- Staff/Student/Parent Relations** JECAC/GBH
- Student Absences and Excuses** JED
- Truancy JEDA
- Student Rights and Responsibilities** JF/JFA
- Student Conduct** JFC
- Personal Electronic Devices and Social Media** JFCEB & JFCEB-AR
- Hazing, Harassment, Intimidation, Bullying, Menacing, Cyberbullying, Teen Dating Violence, or Domestic Violence – Student** JFCF & JFCF-AR
- Use of Tobacco Products, Alcohol, Drugs or Inhalant Delivery Systems** JFCG/JFCH/JFCI
- Weapons in School** JFCJ
- Threats of Violence** JFCM
- Student Searches** JFG & JFG-AR
- Student Discipline** JG
- Corporal Punishment** JGA
- Use of Restraint or Seclusion** JGAB & JGAB-AR
- Suspension** JGD
- Discipline of Students with Disabilities** JGDA & JGDA-AR
- Expulsion** JGE
- Immunization JHCA
- Pediculosis (Head Lice) JHCCF
- Medications** JHCD/JHCDA & JHCD/JHCDA-AR
- Student Safety JHF
- Suspected Abuse of a Child Reporting Requirements** JHFE/GBNAB
- Reporting Suspected Abuse of a Child JHFE/GBNAB-AR(1)
- Abuse of a Child Investigations Conducted on School Premises JHFE/GBNAB-AR(2)
- Suspected Sexual Conduct with Students and Reporting Requirements JHFF/GBNAA
- Suspected Sexual Conduct Report Procedures and Forms JHFF/GBNAA-AR
- Trauma Informed Schools JHHB
- Student Fees, Fines and Charges** JN
- Education Records/Records of Students with Disabilities** JO/IGBAB & JO/IGBAB-AR
- Directory Information** JOA
- Personally Identifiable Information** JOB
- Legal Names of Students JOC
- Parental Rights** KAB & KAB-AR
- Public Records Request** KBA & KBA-AR
- Public Conduct on Public Charter School Property KGB
- Prohibited Use, Distribution or Sale of Tobacco Products and Inhalant Delivery Systems** KGC/GBK
- Authorized Use of School Equipment and Materials KGF/EDC
- Materials Distribution** KJA
- Visitors to School Facilities** KK
- Public Complaints** KL
- Public Complaint Procedure KL-AR
- Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies KN
- Relations with Law Enforcement Agencies** KN-AR(1)
- Investigations Conducted on School Premises KN-AR(2)
The following symbol is used on some policies:
** As used in this policy, the term parent includes legal guardian or person in a parental relationship. The status and duties of a legal guardian are defined in ORS 125.005(4) and 125.300-125.325. The determination of whether an individual is acting in a parental relationship, for purposes of determining residency, depends on the evaluation of the factors listed in ORS 419B.373. The determination for other purposes depends on evaluation of those factors and a power of attorney executed pursuant to ORS 109.056. For special education students, parent also includes a surrogate parent, an adult student to whom rights have transferred and foster parent as defined in OAR 581-015-2000.
Printable Policies
Muddy Creek Policy sections AB-G << Updated December 2024
Muddy Creek Policy sections I-KL << Updated December 2024
RACID Chart << Updated January 2025