April 5th, 2010

Events for the week April 5:

Tuesday, April 6                                                                5th Grade Digital Story Workshop, 6 pm

Wednesday, April 7                               All school field trip to Corvallis Arts Center and Library

Wednesday, April 9                               MCCS Family Pizza Night and PTO Meeting, 6 pm

Upcoming events:

Tuesday, April 13                                  Room 2 Expedition to the Wings of Wonder Butterfly House, Independence

Wednesday, April 14                             Grading Day, No School

April 15 and 16                                      Student-Led Conferences, No School

Wednesday, April 21                             RESTORE Day

Thursday, April 22                                 Wildlife Stewards Conference

Friday, April 23                                      Room 2 Expedition to Beaver Creek

From our Executive Director:

I would like to make a suggestion to help traffic flow around the school during drop-off and pick-up times.  Occasionally, a parent will leave a car parked in the narrow driveway while going into the building.  This
causes the line of cars to get backed up on to Bellfountain Road creating a dangerous situation.  If you feel the need to walk your child into the building, please park in the parking lot.  This will allow the line to
keep moving as children leave the car and walk into the building.

Student led conferences are coming up on the 15th of April.  I strongly believe in what it means to a student to get the opportunity to show his family the work accomplished during the school year.  For parents, it
clarifies what may be a fuzzy picture as to the work your child is doing.   Best of all for those of us here at school, is observing children share with pride the growth accomplished during the school year.  We think you will agree – it is something to celebrate.

~ Dan

MCCS Family PIzza Night/PTO Meeting. Please join us for pizza, family fun, crafts and games Friday, April 9 at 6:00 pm.  This will be a great opportunity to connect with other families, learn about the Parent Teacher Organization and what YOU can do to help our school. Plus, an easy Friday night dinner!  So we can be prepared, please RSVP with the form in your family mailbox and return by Tuesday, April 6.

Questions?   Call Kerry Pfeil 541-207-3562. See you there!

Kindergarten News. This week we started our study of eggs with a big bang.  We are incubating chicken eggs and hope that in twenty-one days we will be hearing the sound of sweet chicks. During a science experiment, we compared green and brown eggs.  After identifying the membrane, germ spot, chalazae, air cell, shell, albumen and yolk, we had a wonderful snack of scrambled eggs.  There is nothing better than having your science experiment and eating it too.

1/2/3 News. First graders are busily building farms in an integrated math and literacy unit with Ms. Bridget.  Second and third graders in both classes are putting together posters for the Wildlife Stewards Conference with help from our Wildlife Steward Connie Barnes and Ms. Gorman.  Thanks, Connie!

Testing News. The 4th and 5th grade students are almost finished with the Reading and Math sections of the OAKS online tests.  They all did a good job and worked hard.  The 5th graders will be taking the science section later in the testing window.  This Wednesday, the 3rd grade students took practice tests for math and reading so that they will feel more comfortable when taking the real tests.  We plan on starting the 3rd grade tests Thursday of this week and will continue until all are finished.  This tests are given in the morning so the kids will be at their best.   Please send them to school well rested and fed on testing days.

All School Field Trip. On Wednesday, April 7th the entire Muddy Creek Charter School student body is going on a field trip!  The students will travel by school bus to the Corvallis Arts Center and the Benton County Library in downtown Corvallis.  The older kids (4-5) will begin at the Library and end at the Arts Center while the younger grades (K-3) will begin at the Arts Center and end at the Library.  All students will meet back up in Central Park for a picnic lunch, weather permitting.  At the Corvallis Arts Center the students will be viewing the Celebration of Arts exhibit in the Main Gallery with a brief talk from Curator Hester Coucke.  This exhibit includes the clay masks created by our students at Muddy Creek.  At the library the 4th and 5th grade classes will get a little lesson on library usage and the K-3 classes will have a special story time.

Tasting Table. Thursday, April 8 will be the Tasting Table day this month at MCCS.  The kids will have an opportunity to taste salad greens, including an assortment of lettuces, mustard, tat soi, and other early greens.  The Tasting Table is a project of the Corvallis Environmental Center, and the greens are being provided by Drew Mosher from Crooked Furrow Farm.  Be sure to ask your students about this fun experience when they come home on the 7th.

Movin’ Muskrats. We have lots of accomplishments to report on the field!  Three Muskrats finished 5 miles – Kinder Georgia Rogers, 1st grader Silas Hinton, and 4th grader Calvin Balzer.  Our Muskrat mileage leaders Max Brewer and Josh Edson finished 25 miles today – wow!  It’s never too late to get movin’, so come on out on Thursdays at lunch recess.

Scholastic Book Club. Spring book club catalogs are out – they’ve got great selections at an affordable price for Pre K – Grade 6.  They make great gifts and earn our classrooms new books!  Pick up a Spring catalog on the table inside the foyer by the mailboxes.  Submit your Scholastic book orders by Sunday, April 4.  Simply go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and enter our school sign-in information (see below).  Plus, every time you order online, Scholastic will give an extra FREE Book to our school! Questions?  Contact Elisa Fairbanks at elisasmile@mac.com or 990-3733.

Go to www.scholastic.com/bookclubs and go to Parent Sign In.  Enter our sign-in information to order:

Class User Name:   muddycreek

Password:         books

Contact Us

Student Hours


541-752-0377 p
541-752-9481 f


Muddy Creek Charter School
30252 Bellfountain Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333