October 7
Muskrat News
Upcoming events:
October 13 PTO Meeting 8:30am
October 13 End of Safeway’s “10% Back-to-Schools”
October 14 Curriculum Night 6:30pm
October 14
Muddy Creek Maze Trip 11:30am (Gorman/Baril)
October 15 Bookmobile 2-3:15pm
October 21 Muddy Creek Maze Trip 9:30am(Swanson)
October 23 Next Wildlife Steward Workshop
October 28 & 29 No School, Conferences
From our Executive Director
Next week we do our last Lifelong Guideline – PERSONAL BEST. This has us all look at doing the best we can with what we have, and with whatever resources are available. After this Guideline, we will work on LIFESKILLS that have to do with doing our personal best. I like this because we cannot all be some hero. The world is full of great people that the rest of us will never know, but their contribution to their school or community makes everyone else’s life a little bit better. We want to always be acknowledging the little personal victories of our students along their way of learning this year. A child’s success however great or small is what we are all about.
Classroom News
Room 1 – Our class had a great week. We have been working hard on No Put Downs. Students have been finding kind things to say and do with their friends. I have heard some great compliments this week. –Miss Bridget
Hamster Happenings – ” Zoom! Zoom! Wow, I love paper airplanes! They are also very tasty.” Sam
Room 2 – The Benton County Historical Society gave a presentation on Thursday about school life in settlement days. My class loved the idea of acting out History School. We’ve been listing all of the materials we would need to have a History School Day at the Soap Creek Schoolhouse in North Corvallis. I am working on a time that we could go there and act out school in olden times. Also on Thursday, Carla Callahan brought scrapbooking materials for us to journal and draw about our first day of school this year. – Ms. Gorman
Kindergarten -A big thanks to the volunteers that have been helping in the Kindergarten room. This week it looks like we are finally ready to start small (4-6 students) literacy groups. Pat Starker had some great ideas that will be helpful for the group time. Shared reading time will be interactive and lots of fun. The children finished decorating their reading bags and will be able to start using them next Monday. – Miss Jenny
Room 4 – Parents of 4th/5th graders, please check your email for regular updates from me. – The students have been bringing in some cool show-n-tell items such as an aluminum foil king cobra, snake skins, rocks, Lego creations and stamp collections.-Thanks, Mr. Day
Curriculum Night
is Thursday October 14th from 6:30 to 7:30pm. Teachers will present information about curriculum at MCCS and answer questions.
The next PTO Meeting will be at 8:30am on Wednesday October 13th. Items on the agenda will include the Giving Thanks Celebration in November, more fundraising brainstorming and election of officers. If you are interested in serving on the PTO Team please let us know. If you have any questions, suggestions or would like to volunteer please contact Kerry Pfeil kerrypfeil@gmail.com /541-207-3562 or Terina McLachlain 8gr8kids@gmail.com /541-829-9847
Scrip Update
This last Friday, we had lots of people interested in scrip and even had a pretty good first order. Thank you so much for taking the time to come by the table by the office and ask and see how easy it really is! Thank you to those that placed an order as well! We had 3 orders and made over $100 for the school with just those! If you placed an order, they will be available in the office after noon on Monday, Oct. 11. Also, because of logistics in getting our order in on time, we will be changing the days the orders are due and when we will have a table set up. We will be having a scrip table up on Thursdays 8:00-8:30am and 2:30-3:00pm instead of Fridays and the correct dates are on the new order form. If you have already picked up an order form, please just move the order dates up by one school day. Please ask me any questions you have… it really is painless, I promise! Carla Callahan 541-929-5784 cdcallahanz@gmail.com
Just a reminder to renew your eScrip cards online! Even if you have entered your cards in before, you will need to do it again this year for us to continue getting contributions. Just go to ww.escrip.com and login or sign up to enter your Safeway and debit/credit cards. Earn money for our school just by using them to pay! Our group name is Muddy Creek Charter School and our Group I.D. is 500020320.
Money For Our School With Just Your Safeway Receipt!!!
Safeway, in conjunction with eScrip, is offering 10% to the school of your choice with purchases you make there. All you need to do is enter in a number that is printed at the bottom of your receipt where it says “10% Back-To-Schools.” It’s like free money for our school! After the number is entered in once, that is all you need to do… at the end of the program, 10% of money you spent at Safeway between September 18 – October 13 will go to MCCS! The program runs through October 13, so I would like to get as many numbers entered in as possible. You can enter your number in yourself at http://backtoschools.escrip.com/ (type in Muddy Creek Charter School and select our school), you can give them to me, Carla Callahan (Aidan’s mom), or you can bring the bottom part with the number to the office and I can collect them and enter them in myself before October 13. I can’t stress how easy this is! The key is getting the word out so please tell all your friends and relatives, ask for their redemptions, shop at Safeway, spread the word! Contact Carla at (541) 929-5784 or cdcallahanz@gmail.com with any questions or visit the website at http://backtoschools.escrip.com/.
All parents who would like to volunteer need to fill out a background check form. Please see Cedar in the office to get your form or email her at cedar.dunn@muddycreekcharterschool.org .
Science Club
Last year we had a Lego/Science Club and we seem to have several families this year interested in getting it started up again. This group would investigate science subjects with Legos, computers, some robotics, whatever the group agrees upon. For example, last year we started with Lego kits that had moving parts such as pulleys and moved on to looking into the insides of a computer. We would need parents to be involved, too, so that there would be a rotation of supervision. There was some interest in pursuing the Destination Imagination concept as one possibility. The first step to getting started would be to see if there is any real interest, so please contact Kelly Bell ksbirish@yahoo.com if you and your student might like to see this happen.
Special thanks to:
Everyone who helped with the campout!
A great special thank you to Terina for all her hard work organizing the highly successful campout.
Everyone who helped to get the school library opened for our use.
The Literacy Volunteers for helping every day.
Elisa Fairbanks, our able and loyal bookkeeper. The annual audit has been completed and submitted to state and district. ICP and MCCS passed with flying colors in large part thanks to Elisa’s careful work.
Wish Lists
The Room 2 CD player is not working anymore. If anyone has a CD player with speakers (boom box style) that they are not using, we would appreciate it.
Ms. Gorman’s and Miss Bridget’s classrooms need a few items to help them with their outdoor activities. They are looking for donations of rakes, shovels, a wheelbarrow, kid-sized gloves, seeds, extra garden tools in general and fall bulbs (tulips, daffodils, crocuses, etc.). Anything you can spare would be greatly appreciated.