January 14
Muskrat News
Upcoming events:
January 17 Martin Luther King Jr. Day NO School
January 19 Writing Club 3pm
January 20 Homework Club 3-3:45pm
January 20 Math Workshop for Families of 2/3 3:15pm
January 20 Scratch Club 3-4:15pm
January 20 ICP Board meeting 7pm
January 21 Bookmobile 2-3:15pm
January 28 Library Expedition 12:30pm
February 21 Snow day make up School is IN
From our Executive Director
This coming week’s LIFESKILL will be integrity. We define it as “doing what is right”. One could add, avoiding doing what is wrong.
We are working and thinking about how to be more of a “Green School”. Schools that enter the Green School program work to reduce waste and energy usage. I know there are schools that have installed solar panels to help reduce the use of fossil fuels to heat and power their buildings. I would like very much to have Muddy Creek install solar panels, but I do not know how to go about the effort. If any parent knows how to proceed, or can lead me to someone that could help us, I would really appreciate it.
Next Monday is a national holiday celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday. There will be no school that day making the upcoming weekend a 3 day weekend.
Update on the track we are planning to build —- The MCCS Board submitted a grant proposal to the Siletz Tribal Charitable Fund. If we win funding, we will be able install a solid base under the wood chips that would keep the running surface smooth and up out of the water during the winter. Additionally, a fabric layer would be installed to retard the intrusion of weeds and grass. We should know by the end of the month about whether or not we will get additional funding. –Dan
Classroom News
Room 1 – We are having such a good time learning about oceans. This week we have been reading facts about ocean animals and practicing how to turn those facts into sentences so we will be ready when we do our individual projects. As a class we had a great time studying octopi and watching the Octocam from the Hatfield Science Center. We have also been comparing differences between vertebrates and invertebrates.
Tuesday was a RESTORE day. Our class made observations in the restore area about what signs of life we could see. Then we did some research on the Pacific Willow and read a book about a willow branch that blows off a tree and after a long journey becomes drift wood on a beach. – Miss Bridget
Room 2 -The math students are working very hard on geometry. They are really starting to be able to tell you a lot about quadrilaterals. We’ve been writing quiz books to see if we can guess what shape a person is thinking about.
In literacy, we are learning about information books and how to find information about something you are really interested in. I’m also hearing from a lot of students, “I really like this book that I am reading.”
We did abstract art this afternoon. Betsy taught us (and the 4/5, too) about the 5 elements of art: angles, curves, dots, lines, and circles.
For the RESTORE project, the students talked about how we might spend the money that we received from the Benton Soil and Water Conservation District. They voted to investigate different plants to see how well they grew. One student suggested that we might plant an oak. We are going to look at our choices and pick some plants to order. – Ms. Gorman
Room 3 Kinder News – This week the Kinders have been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. We have been looking at his life and work and how he made a big difference in the world. The children have been writing and drawing pictures focusing on their dreams and how they can be great, make a difference and make the world a better place. By next Tuesday there will be a display in the hall outside our room. Stop by and check it out! – Miss Jenny
Room 4 –The students are being introduced to persuasive writing, and our first topic is what they would change at muddy creek. The writings will be addressed to Mr. Hays The students also are learning about the commercial fishing industry on the Oregon coast. We are discussing the types of boats they use and the specialized equipment on each type of boat. – Mr. Day
Benton SWCD Native Plant Sale
January brings an important deadline for anyone who loves native plants — the Benton County Soil and Water Conservation District Plant Sale. If you are interested in growing native plants in your yard, check out their web site at www.bentonswcd.org , and don’t miss the January 14th order deadline.
From the Board
The board invites an MCCS parent to join the charter negotiation team. There will be meetings with the school district representatives over the next weeks to months, probably a meeting about every two weeks. We will be negotiating the terms of the charter and of the building lease. If you wish to be on the team let Anita Grunder know (grundera@geo.oregonstate.edu, 541 929 5212 evenings). The team so far includes Tanya Freeman , Anita Grunder, Dan Hays and Elisa Fairbanks.
Art Center Project Needs Volunteers
A tile mural about what the students are learning about oceans will be built and displayed at the Corvallis Art Center. Once the students learn how to make the mosaic, we will need volunteers to supervise small groups. The office will be coordinating volunteers for the project, so let Cedar know if you are interested.
Volunteer(s) Needed in the Office
We are looking for a volunteer(s) to help Cedar in the office when she is out at test training. This will be in the morning and consist of answering the phone and helping with office projects. Please let Cedar know if you can help out. Thank you!
Lunch Room/Recess Volunteers Needed
We are looking for volunteers for lunch room/recess duty for Tuesday, January 25th. Pat Starker will be helping our teachers and classroom assistants do planning. Please let Cedar know if you can help. Thank you!
Muddy Creek Writing Club
The MCCS Writing Club for 4th and 5th graders meets Wednesdays right after school from 3-3:45. We had our first club meeting and it is a lively crew with lots of great ideas. If your child couldn’t make it this week, they can definitely join in next week! See Cedar in the office if you want more info.
Muddy Creek Homework Club
Homework club will now be meeting on Thursdays from 3-3:45pm and is open to kids in the 4/5 grade. Bring reading, math, spelling or whatever you need to get caught up on. Snack will be provided.
Seeking Spanish Teacher
We are looking for a volunteer to teach Spanish at MCCS in an afterschool club setting.
Seeking Chess Guru
We are also looking for a volunteer that would be interested in starting an afterschool chess club. Let Cedar know if you are interested.
Safeway is currently running their “10% Goes Back to Schools” promotion! This is a super easy way for our Muddy Creek families to give to the school. See the attached flyer for more information.
Open Gym time at MCCS
Are your natives restless? Cabin fever? Monkeys climbing the walls? I am gauging interest in having Open Gym Time at MCCS after school 1-2 times weekly. There would be structured games and activities, plus some free choice time to burn off some energy and have fun with friends. I am willing to organize and supervise, but would need additional parent volunteers. Please contact Kerry Pfeil at kerrypfeil@gmail.com or call me (541) 224-2539.
Girl Sprouts Troop
If you like to have fun with other girls, earn badges and be creative, join our Girl Sprouts Troop. Girl Sprouts is a loosely organized group of elementary-aged girls who meet once a month for friendship, activities and fun. Girl Sprouts is not affiliated with Girl Scouts or anything else. The dates TBD when we get a core group of girls. Contact Lisa Yagoda for more information, 541-753-1416 or yago16@gmail.com.
Wish List
Portable Screen
File Folders
Pencils and Pens
Special Thanks To:
Kathy Brewer and The Callahans for donating computer equipment to us through the HP Gifts In Kind Program!