ICP Board Meeting Agenda
Inavale Community Partners Board Meeting
AGENDA November 3, 2011, 7 p.m., Muddy Creek Charter School
7:00 to 7:05: Welcome.
7:05 to 7:10: Approval of the minutes of the last meeting.
7:10 to 7:20: Public Comment.
7:25 to 8:00: Reports.
- 1. PTO Report (Betsy)
- 2. School Report (Dan)
8:00 to 8:30: Discussion and Decision.
- 1. Fundraising
- 2. Revision of Enrollment Policy 0001
- 3. Discussion of priorities and focus.
- 4. Board Development: Review of Open Meeting Law
- 5. Review of AI’s
Adjourn to Closed Session