News for friends and family of the Muddy Creek Charter School Community.

  • Summer Volunteers Needed!!

    Greetings Muskrat Families! I hope you are all having a wonderful summer full of adventure and family time. I’ve been out at the school getting some things organized and I…

  • MCCS is hiring for 23-24!

    Muddy Creek is such a fun place to work!! And guess what? We are currently looking for 3 creative, exciting educators to join our MCC family: If you know someone…

  • June 2023 Newsletter

    PLANT SALE: I am happy to announce that Muddy Creek was able to raise $1700 at our plant sale! A special thank you to the teachers and students who went…

  • Welcome, Principal Danforth!

    We’d like to extend a warm Muskrat welcome to our new Executive Director, Sarah Danforth! She comes to us from Jefferson School District in Jefferson, where she was a teacher…

  • More 2014 Newsletters

    June 10, 2014 Newsletter  May 30, 2014 Newsletter April 28, 2014 Newsletter March 21, 2014 Newsletter February 20, 2014 Newsletter January 24, 2014 Newsletter

  • Some older blueprints from 2014

    MCCS Operational Blueprint–Hybrid, updated 3/18/21 MCCS Operational Blueprint–Fully Remote, CDL updated 10/9/20 MCCS Operational Blueprint for Reentry–Hybrid, updated 9/23/20 Google Classroom for Parents Training Session–September 15, 2020 MCCS 2020-21 School…

Contact Us

Student Hours


541-752-0377 p
541-752-9481 f


Muddy Creek Charter School
30252 Bellfountain Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333