News for friends and family of the Muddy Creek Charter School Community.

  • MCCS Open House 9/21

    All families are invited to join us at the school for our 2023/24 Open House on September 21 from 5-7pm! We will have fun activities set up for students to…

  • Muskrat Newsletter – Sept

    Happy Fall, Everyone! With the nerves and craziness of the first week of school behind us we are beginning to focus a little more on something very important to Muddy Creek - COMMUNITY.

  • Welcome Back, Muskrats!

    I hope everyone enjoyed their summer break! The start of school is right around the corner and I'm sure you have a lot of questions. Hopefully, I can answer a few of them here.

  • Muskrat Newsletter – Aug 2023

    Topics include: MCCS Annual Giving Campaign, Blueberry U-Pick Fundraiser, Volunteering opportunities, Principal POP-in, Summer Projects, and upcoming dates…

  • 23/24 Annual Giving Campaign

    There are many ways you can help support our little school. One important way is participating in the Annual Giving Campaign. Our goal this year is to fundraise $50,000 –…

Contact Us

Student Hours


541-752-0377 p
541-752-9481 f


Muddy Creek Charter School
30252 Bellfountain Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333