April 19

Muskrat News

Events for the week of April 19:

Wednesday, April 21                             RESTORE Day

Thursday, April 22                                 Wildlife Stewards Conference

Friday, April 23                                      Room 2 Expedition to Beaver Creek

Friday, April 23                                      Room 4 Expedition to OMSI

Upcoming events:

Wednesday, April 28                             2nd annual MCCS Egg Drop

Thursday, April 29                                 ICP Board Meeting, 7 pm

Thank you to all that did kind acts for Muddy Creek staff last week for Staff Appreciation Week.  We felt very appreciated.

From our Executive Director:

Recently one of our students asked me if we could have chocolate milk on Fridays.  Those of us in public schools cringe at questions like this.  Instantly images and recollections come to mind of several parents that you know would strongly oppose such an idea, and other parents that would think it a great idea.  Then a director at a charter school in Linn County told me of their practice of bringing in pizza every Friday for the students.  So…with some anxiety, I ask those of you with an opinion – please email, call, or drop by and let me know your thoughts on the matter.

For myself, I really like the idea of building fun into our school.  I also want to build enthusiasm for our school among our families, staff, and students.  For example, we gave out last year’s yellow polo shirts to staff for them to wear on Fridays.  I will have to wait and see if that idea catches on.   There will be more things to come later this year and next year that I know will build confidence in and enthusiasm for our school and the impressive capabilities and achievements of our students.

~ Dan

Charter School Survey. The Oregon Department of Education has asked all Oregon charter schools to participate in on-line surveys for staff, parents, and students.  Survey will take about 10 minutes and the student survey (with assistance from parents) will probably take about the same amount of time.  Be sure to mark “Muddy Creek Charter School “ at the beginning of the survey.   The surveys are open until June 15.  Your participation will be greatly appreciated as it will help to show we have an involved parent community. If you do not have access to the internet at home, we can provide access to the survey on one of the school’s computers – just check with Dan or Gretchen.

Room 2 News. Our posters for the Wildlife Stewards conference are practically finished.  The second and third graders did a great job on them!

A Big Thank You. Muddy Creek Kinders would like to give a big THANK YOU to John Ame and Reed Behrens for their hard work getting our greenhouse up and running.  This setup gets the kinders off to a great start with their upcoming business partnership with Mrs. R’s 4th and 5th graders.

2nd Annual MCCS Egg Drop. This eggciting event will be taking place on the morning of Wednesday, April 28.   Start making your ESD (Egg Survival Device) now.  A letter with official procedures and rules will be coming home with your child, so be on the lookout.    Awards will be given for:  the smallest ESD surviving the drop, best use of recycled materials, and the most unusual design surviving the drop.  This is a family project – HAVE FUN!

Board Survey. Below is a survey that the ICP Board would like to have completed by our parents and community.  Additional hard copy version is available at the school.  Thanks for taking the time to complete the survey.

Community Survey of the ICP Board

The Board of Inavale Community Partners would like community input on review of the Board.

The Board is presently composed of Anita Grunder (President), Tanya Freeman (Vice-president and Administration Liaison), Christine Harvey Horning (Secretary and Community Liaison), and Morning McCreary (Treasurer).  The number of Board members can range from 3 to 9.

Please give us your feedback so we can evaluate the functioning of the Board.  Return completed survey to Gretchen in the MCCS office.

  1. Have you interacted with the ICP Board or Board members about the school or community?

0  No

0  Rarely

0  Sometimes

0  Often

0  Other

0  Comment:

  1. Do you find the Board accessible

0  No

0  Somewhat

0  Mostly

0  Yes

0  Comment:

  1. Do you find the Board responsive

0  No

0  Somewhat

0  Mostly

0  Yes

0  Comment:

  1. Overall, have your interactions been-

0  Unsatisfactory

0  OK

0  Good

0  Excellent

0  Comment :

  1. The Board is looking for more members. We meet first and third Thursday on the month from 7 to 9:30 pm. Would you consider joining the Board?


0  Unlikely

0  Yes sometime

0  Yes soon

0  Yes now

0  Comment:

Please feel free to add any additional comments

Contact Us

Student Hours


541-752-0377 p
541-752-9481 f


Muddy Creek Charter School
30252 Bellfountain Rd.
Corvallis, OR 97333